2025 Symposium

The 3rd China-Canada Symposium on Structural and Earthquake Engineering

The 3rd CCSSEE will be hosted at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, from August 11-15, 2025 (Tentative)


China and Canada have been working together as a strong alliance in collaborative research among students, researchers, and industry professionals to exchange ideas. The 1st CCSSEE was held in 2017 in Vancouver. The 2nd CCSSEE was held in Guangzhou China in Dec 2019. Despite the challenges posed by the global pandemic, we are finally back this year!The symposium will provide a unique international and multidisciplinary platform for communication and discussion, framed by a series of technical sessions and student presentations in all aspects of structural and earthquake engineering, offering an invaluable opportunity to exchange ideas.

Schedule (Tentative)

2025/8/11: Registration

2025/8/12: Technical Sessions & BBQ

2025/8/13: Technical Sessions & Student Night Out

2025/8/14: Technical Sessions, Lab Demo & Banquet

2025/8/15: Technical Tour

Participating institutions